Saturday, March 16, 2013

Teaching at the Library of Alexandria

Part of my Fulbright grant required me to teach workshops and seminars on library topics ranging from general cataloging to trends in modern librarianship. 

Resource Description and Access: the new cataloging code.

The workshop was designed for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Bibliographic Access Section, Library Sector (about 60 members) and was presented on May 3, 4, and 5. I prepared all the necessary materials, handouts and a list of reference resources.

Library of Congress Classification (LCC).

This workshop was offered on June 27, 2011. It was designed to help the Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s cataloging staff understand the principles and practices of Library of Congress Classification (LCC). The workshop includes background information on the development and structure of the LCC. The following topics were included: the elements of a call number; the use of essential LCC documentation and online tools; guidance on shelf-listing practices, local decisions and proposing new class numbers through PCC SACO. The workshop also included a comparison between LCC and the Dewey Decimal Classification Schema that is currently used at the BA.

Library of Congress Subject Headings (LSCH).

The workshop was presented on June 28, 2011. It focused on the principles and practices of subject cataloging using the Library of Congress Subject Headings, LCSH. Topics covered during the workshop included: subject analysis, or “What a work is about”; the principles and structure of LCSH; combining topical, form, geographic and chronological subdivisions with LCSH headings; using names as subjects; MARC 21 Authority Format and content elements of a subject authority; and proposing new subject headings through the PCC SACO program.

Resource Description and Access (RDA): a New Cataloging Standard.

Train the Trainer Workshop. (Hands on) A full day workshop presented on July 21, 2011 to a selected group of Cataloging Division leaders. This workshop was designed to train the future RDA training leaders at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina who would carry out the implementation of the new cataloging code and who would be able to train the other catalogers. I created handouts and compiled lists of training materials for electronic tools and websites that would help the participants in conducting their own training in the future.

New Trends in Libraries.
A general session on librarianship followed by Q&A. July 31, 2011. This was a round-table discussion for all the Bibliographic Access Section staff. The discussion centered on the American libraries today and the issues that they are facing, including budgets, staffing and cross training. The BA staff asked many technical questions related to cataloging.

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